Friday, January 7, 2011

using up spare time

I don't have much spare time but when I do, this is what I do ;-) 
Thanks to Jamie  for the photos! 
happy weekend everyone!!! x

Monday, January 3, 2011

Progress being made. The Mammoth really is going to be huge and very cuddly and warm!!! 
So far it measures 1,85m in width but will be bigger in the end. 
I have lots of time at the moment to continue because I am still trying to recover from a very persistent flu - 
so it will grow quite a bit more over the next few days. :))) 
There will also be different patterns included over time so it won't be all boring stripey...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new beginning

This is my 2011 project. 
My 350photo challenge 2010 has proven that with my workload I am not able to keep up with  
daily blogging. 
This is why I have decided to crochet a seriously cool, happy, colourful woolly mammoth blanket throughout this year. And in December 2011 it will be 
auctioned for charity. 
I have not yet decided, which charity the proceeds will go to and am open for your suggestions. 
The wanderings and making of the woolly mammoth I will document in writing and many photographs on this blog. Please invite many people to follow so we can raise the biggest possible amount of money and help somebody with it! xxx